Advertising and Sponsorship Policy

Wellnesspulse is an online news platform dedicated to educating people on various health and well-being-related topics. Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed, harmless, and health-enhancing decisions in their lives.

To uphold our mission and to continue providing high-quality content for free, we may accept compensation or funding from the third parties, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Third Parties’, that advertise, promote their brands, products, and/or services, or make special announcements on the Wellnesspulse website, social media, or YouTube channel, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Online Platforms’. However, we are firmly committed to maintaining our editorial independence.

If you’d like to advertise with Wellnesspulse, contact us here.

This Advertising and Sponsorship Policy outlines the guidelines for the Third Parties regarding advertising and sponsorship on the Wellnesspulse Online Platforms:

1. Types of the Third-Party Content and Sponsored Content

The third-party content includes:

  • content of an advertising nature (e.g., native ads)
  • content of an editorial or mixed nature. This third-party content typically involves newsworthy announcements regarding events, product launches, developments, or scientific findings (e.g., press releases);

hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘Third-Party Content’.

In some cases, we may present sponsored content on the Wellnesspulse Online Platforms that is created by us, our sponsors, or co-created in partnership with our sponsors (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Sponsored Content’). Additionally, our newsletter may include advertisements from third-party companies or partners. All such Sponsored Content is intended to provide value to the Wellnesspulse audience beyond just promotion. Therefore, only credible Sponsored Content is available on our Online Platforms.

2. Content Standards

At Wellnesspulse, we foster the delivery of content that embodies reliability, transparency, integrity, professionalism, and the highest ethical standards. We hold the Third Parties to the same high standards.

The Third-Party and Sponsored Content should be truthful, not misleading, and supported by adequate substantiation. Advertisements should provide enough information to clearly identify the advertiser.

Products or services being advertised on the Wellnesspulse Online Platforms should be already available in the market and adhere to our quality standards and current good manufacturing practices.

The Third Parties are forbidden from promoting hate speech, violence, harassment, or discrimination based on, including but not limited to, age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. The Third-Party and Sponsored Content should not contain defamatory or aggressive language, as well as profanity, or any other inappropriate content (e.g., explicit, plagiarized content, etc.).

We do not accept fraudulent, deceptive, illegal, harmful Third-Party or Sponsored Content or similar that could compromise the Wellnesspulse reputation or editorial integrity.

The Third-Party and Sponsored Content may contain only one backlink. The Third Parties are not allowed to direct readers to non-functional or illegal landing (destination) pages.

3. Our Discretion to Accept or Reject the Third-Party and Sponsored Content

We verify, to the best of our ability, in advance whether the Third Parties have undergone all necessary testing, obtained all government-required approvals and certifications, voluntary independent third-party lab certifications, comply with regulatory standards, maintain rigorous quality and ethical practices, ensure transparency, and possess a positive market reputation.

We also review the Third-Party and Sponsored Content to ensure it adheres to this Advertising and Sponsorship Policy and our content guidelines.

We reserve the right to reject, cancel, or remove any Third-Party or Sponsored Content at any time for any reason without prior notice. However, we only use this right when it is necessary to protect our readers, or in the case of this Advertising and Sponsorship Policy or other our rules, policies, or agreement violations.

We notify the Third Parties of such rejection, cancellation, or removal as soon as possible and typically provide the opportunity to edit their content to bring it into compliance, except for serious violations.

We reserve the right to determine the specific placement and format of the Third-Party and Sponsored Content on the Wellnesspulse Online Platforms.

Some of the links on the Wellnesspulse Online Platforms are affiliate links. This means we may receive compensation if readers click on these links and make a purchase. However, our Research Team carefully researches and evaluates each product or service, ensuring it meets our quality standards and aligns with our approach to well-being.

In some cases, we may rate or rank certain products or services. These ratings or rankings are driven solely by us without regard to any financial or advertising relationship that may exist with the Third Parties that provide those products or services.

Our content containing affiliate links always discloses this material connection.

5. No Endorsement or Approval

The acceptance or publication of the Third-Party and Sponsored Content on the Wellnesspulse Online Platform does not imply our endorsement or support of the respective content, including the advertised brands, products or services, or for the companies that manufacture, distribute, or promote them.

6. Distinction and Labeling

Our editorial and the Third-Party and Sponsored Content are clearly distinguished from each other to maintain transparency and integrity by using marks (e.g., ‘Press Release’, ‘Sponsored Content’, ‘Ad’) and/or informative disclosures/disclaimers (usually one above the article and one below).

7. Liability

The Third Parties (and/or their advertising agencies) are solely responsible for the Third-Party and/or Sponsored Content and/or offerings, including, but not limited to claims arising therefrom made against Wellnesspulse, including all costs associated with defending against such claims or imposed sanctions (if any).

Last update: October 25, 2024